'Clash of the Titans', Battle of The Gods
Rabu, 14 April 2010

Argus islanders began to disobey the gods. They burned the temple, threw down the statues and this made the gods angry at Olympia. Hades had come down to teach a lesson to those who are ungrateful. Hades asks the victim. He took Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) and threatened to remove the Kraken monster Argus if citizens remain defiant.
Unfortunately Hades one vote enemy. Perseus who can not take it anymore seeing Hades act that killed his adoptive parents decided to fight back. Together with some soldiers, Perseus set off to find a way to beat the Kraken and saved Andromeda. This mission is not an easy mission. Perseus had to face many of the natural inhabitants of the darkness before they could find the Andromeda.
Clash of the Titans Warner Bros. released. This is actually a remake of a film titled the same that appeared in 1981. The basic idea is to revive this old story in a visual form that is more acceptable to consumers today. This means, there would be many changes made except to improve the visual side, and it will not be too difficult because the current film technology was obviously much more advanced than in 1981.
In the matter of visual, Clash of the Titans this was not experienced many problems. Presented in two formats, 2D and 3D, CGI technology used in this film is far more realistic than the original version. Unfortunately, it can be expected from this movie. The rest was not much to see.
Indeed there are many big names attached as a support in this film. Sam Worthington is indeed on the rise is selected as the main character while Worthington was still there behind a row of names like Gemma Arterton, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson who seemed deliberately placed to become a 'guarantee' that the film is hit when released later.
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