'THE TWILIGHT SAGA: Eclipse', When Options Must Created
Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Hostilities between the vampire and wolfpack are already hundreds of years old and can not be just an end but Bella is also not possible to choose between Edward and Jacob. Bella loves Edward, but he also did not want to lose Jacob as a friend while the two men in this life as though Bella did not get along. Even if there are to make the atmosphere a bit quiet area is just an agreement between the vampire and the wolfpack that remain held until recently.
At the moment already unpleasant atmosphere like this, new problems arise. Vampire again spread terror. Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) 0 killed several inhabitants of the city of Seattle with the intention to build armies to fight the newborns Cullen family and the wolfpack that protect Bella. Bella war within itself also increasingly raged. He must soon make a decision between the human remains or to follow Edward and changed into a vampire.
This is not the first time director David Slade's dealing with vampires. The director also did this before the movie about these blood-sucking creature, though with different nuances. This time David did not just make a vampire movie, but translating the works of Stephenie Meyer's popular novel into a visual form and it is not easy work.
The previous two films not directed by David Slade and this should make many compromises. On the one hand he must be able to carry the full version of her novel to fans of the popular novel was not disappointed while on the other hand it also have creativity as a director. Another problem is that it can not be too much change the tone of the two previous sections.
Fortunately David Slade's masterful enough had concocted a variety of requirements in the fourth section, entitled THE TWILIGHT SAGA: Eclipse. Some like the style from the second part of shooting from the air and the use of handheld camera that makes it feel more dynamic image is maintained while the depiction of the city of Seattle who was hit by outbreaks of vampires as David Slade's own interpretation of what he can from the experience of work on 30 DAYS OF NIGHT.
Timing feels better than the second part that feels slow though can not be denied if the dialogue between the players is still not much different from the two films that preceded it. Can not blame it because this movie was made for consumption of the teenager who clearly did not want a dialogue that is too heavy. And because of this third part is incidentally the most part the production cost, it certainly became more servings a good visual of the two previous sections.
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